junchive is based an static site generator Jekyll, which is pretty popular in github pages community. However it is based on language ‘ruby’, which is a bit old-fashioned in regard to websites. Jekyll is pretty simple and easy-to-deploy, but there is a serious version issue with ruby gems; some gems are not compatible with ruby 4.0. From these reasons, I decided to change my current SSG(Jekyll) into something else.

list of some famous S.S.Gs

Static Site Generator Language
Jekyll Ruby
Hugo Go
Next.js JavaScript
Gatsby JavaScript

I go for Hugo

Junchive posts are written in ‘markdown’, so I need an generator that has markdown support. I compared serveral site generators in Jamstack, and I chose Hugo. Javascript-based framework usually do NOT support markdown.

Setting is SUPER easy-peasy

Before creating site with hugo, you should install the following. You can use snap or apt or homebrew if you like.(Linux/Mac)

  • Go
  • Git
  • Hugo

To start a new site, run

hugo new site <site-name>

Then move to the directory and just serve hugo! easy huh?

cd <site-name>
hugo serve

You will find your blog at ’localhost:1313’ Search for some themes that you like, and apply it.

Comparing Jekyll vs Hugo

The process of building and applying theme was much more simple than Jekyll did. Also, deploying speed is ridiculously fast. (even with theme-less than 200ms)

Overall, I like how Hugo works. Also, without any additional plugins, ‘search, tagging, category’ functons are fully supported. (Thanks to Fusejs) I’ll keep working with this new framework, and customize some functions!